6.887 lectures are held from 2:30-4:00 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays in 32-124 and can also be watched on Zoom.
This is a tentative schedule and may be subject to change.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
sep 6 Labor Day holiday |
sep 7 |
sep 8 No class |
sep 9 |
sep 10 |
sep 13 |
sep 14 |
sep 15 |
sep 16 |
sep 17 |
sep 20 Unit on Black-box Optimization Assigned: Lab 1 (see Canvas for details) |
sep 21 |
sep 22 |
sep 23 |
sep 24 |
sep 27 Unit on Decision Making (Bandits, RL) Due: Lab 1 |
sep 28 |
sep 29 Assigned: Lab 2 (see here) |
sep 30 |
oct 1 |
oct 4 |
oct 5 |
oct 6 |
oct 7 |
oct 8 ADD DATE Due: Lab 2 |
oct 11 Indigenous Peoples Day holiday |
oct 12 |
oct 13 Due: Project Proposal (slides) Assigned: Lab 3 (see here) |
oct 14 |
oct 15 |
oct 18 Due: Final Project Proposal (slides) |
oct 19 |
oct 20 |
oct 21 |
oct 22 |
oct 25 Unit on Forecasting / Supervised Learning (Regression, Deep learning) Due: Lab 3 |
oct 26 |
oct 27 Assigned: Lab 4 (see here) |
oct 28 |
oct 29 |
nov 1 |
nov 2 |
nov 3 Due: Project Mid-report (see here) |
nov 4 |
nov 5 |
nov 8 Due: Lab 4 |
nov 9 |
nov 10 Mid-report Feedback |
nov 11 Veterans Day holiday |
nov 12 |
nov 15 |
nov 16 |
nov 17 |
nov 18 DROP DATE |
nov 19 |
nov 22 |
nov 23 |
nov 24 No class |
nov 25 Thanksgiving holiday |
nov 26 Thanksgiving holiday |
nov 29 |
nov 30 |
dec 1 |
dec 2 |
dec 3 |
dec 6 |
dec 7 |
dec 8 Due: Project Report |
dec 9 Last day of classes |
dec 10 |
Last change: February 01 2023.