6.5830/6.5831: Database Systems
Fall 2022
Units: 3-0-9 (H)
When: MW 2:30 – 4:00 pm
Where: 32-155
Instructors: Samuel Madden (madden AT csail.mit.edu)
Mike Cafarella (michjc AT csail.mit.edu)
Staff mailing list: 6.5830-staff AT mit.edu
Instructor office hours: By request
TAs: Anna Zeng (annazeng AT mit.edu)
Parimarjan Negi (pnegi AT mit.edu)
Geoffrey Yu (geoffxy AT mit.edu)
Upcoming TA office hours: See Piazza
Piazza: Link


This course relies on primary readings from the database community to introduce graduate students to the foundations of database systems, focusing on basics such as the relational algebra and data model, schema normalization, query optimization, and transactions. It is designed for students who have taken 6.1800 (formerly 6.033 or equivalent); no prior database experience is assumed though students who have taken an undergraduate course in databases are encouraged to attend.

Classes consist of lectures and discussions based on readings from the database literature. Grades in 6.5830 are assigned based on a semester long project, as well as two exams and 7 assignments -- 4 labs and 3 problem sets -- of varying length. Grades in 6.5831 are based on the same quizzes and assigments as 6.5830, except that students may opt to do 2 additional labs in place of the final project. For more information about the readings and assignments, use the links at the top of the page.

Last change: August 17 2023.

Questions or comments regarding 6.5830/6.5831? Send e-mail to the 6.5830/6.5831 staff at . Accessibility